Online Poker Us States

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This is a guide for online poker players in the America who want to know where they can play online poker and when they might be able to play in their home states. For states where online poker is legal, this is a guide for US online poker room reviews, poker sites available in your area, deposit bonuses, and online poker announcements.

  1. Poker is the only legally allowed online gambling in this state so there’s a wide range of poker games online to play. Delaware – The First State launched legal poker cardrooms online in 2015. In fact, Delaware is the most permissive state in America when it comes to online poker real money USA legal sites.
  2. Come play at the leading online poker room at BetOnline Poker Room. Play against thousands of poker players online from home on your desktop, mobile or tablet.
  3. Is Online Poker Legal in the United States? Contrary to what many think, there is actually no federal law in the United States that strictly prohibits US players playing for real money online or making accounts to do so.However, for individual states where online poker is legal, that’s when things are.

New York Online Poker The state of New York has long been associated with poker, dating back to several nationally known 19th-century poker clubs. It extends through the 20th and 21st centuries and the famed underground games, such as at the Mayfair Club.

US online poker laws seem to be changing monthly since government attorneys announced that the Wire Act cannot be used to prohibit states from allowing online poker. Online poker rooms and online gambling sites are clamoring for state licenses, and the US online gambling landscape is going through a major change.

For a select few Americans, online poker is here already. Nevada, New Jersey, and Delaware are leading the United States into the billion-dollar-a-year industry, and many more states are looking to get into the game in the very near future.

By the end of 2015, as many as a dozen states could allow their residents to play on legal online poker sites. That number may be higher if a federal bill, the Internet Poker Freedom Act of 2013, is approved in 2014. But since the odds of that happening are less than hitting a one-outer on the river, all the online poker news concerning legislation is coming from individual states.

American online poker laws are about to go through drastic revision, and US online poker sites will pop up as the laws change. Laws are changing fast, and this guide promises to remain up to date on all possible movements concerning online poker legislation.

A brief overview of each state’s stance on online poker is below, but click through for a full update on the state’s online poker laws, and gambling laws in the state in general.


Alabama doesn’t even have a state lottery. It’s home to some of the most morally strict policymakers in the country, so poker is not coming anytime soon. Read more ...


Online poker legislation remains frigid in the great white north, but the game has a few fans who are elected officials, and although lawmakers resisted expanding almost any type of gambling in here, online poker has a chance. Read more ...


Despite a thriving Indian casino industry — or more like because of it — lawmakers are being cautious with online poker. Also, the governor is a tough opponent of any type of gambling expansion, poker included. Read more ...


Online poker legislation may be far off, but unlike some of its neighboring states, online poker may come to Arkansas with a federal push. Read more ...


Online poker will come to California maybe as soon as 2014. A crowded industry split into three factions may delay action on online poker bills already submitted. Read more ...


With a steady and strong push from its significant casino industry, online poker legislation is most likely forthcoming in Colorado sometime in 2015. The state is already studying the effects online poker would have. Read more ...


As its neighboring states start to allow their residents access to online poker sites, look for Connecticut to follow suit. As such a small state, it’s a prime candidate to contract with other states for shared player pools. Read more ...


As of October 2013, online poker is completely legal, regulated, and live in Delaware. Read more ...


Two powerful casino forces — the racinos and Indian tribes — face off against a conservative state government intent on preventing gambling expansion. The governor has won the first round. Read more ...


The official view toward poker here is as rigid as a Georgia pine. Poker is gambling, and gambling is bad in Georgia. Read more ...


Although one of the few states without any form of legalized gambling, Hawaii is rumored to be looking to get into the online-poker game. Read more ...



Completely in the middle ground, there is no pending online poker legislation in Idaho. A grassroots effort would help here. Read more ...


Online poker is being talked about by state officials. look for an online poker bill sometime in 2015. Read more ...


With a conservative governor and minor casino industry, it’s going to take a political campaign by its online poker players to move online poker forward. Read more ...


Since 2011, certain lawmakers have pushed for online poker legalization. Now with states going live, watch for Iowa to join the game in 2014 or 2015. Read more ...


A significant political shift is necessary for online poker to even be considered in the Sunflower State. Read more ...


Now that the powerful horseracing industry has wedged itself into the multi-state casino industry, watch for online poker legislation to move fast once more states go live. Read more ...


An online poker debate should come to Louisiana in 2014, with significant movement in 2015. Online poker does face some opposition here. Read more ...


Brand new to the casino game, and with such a pretty face, Maine would make a lovely interstate online poker partner. However, it remains a wallflower. Read more ...


With a healthy paranoia that it is missing out on the online poker industry, lawmakers began to push for it in 2013. Look for another push in 2014 and beyond. Read more ...


Cautiously optimistic is how online poker players in Beantown should feel. Online poker won’t come there as quickly as it should, but it’s likely coming at some point. Read more ...


A large casino industry will fuel the push toward online poker. State lawmakers seem to be wary, though. Read more ...


With a strong casino industry, it would seem Minnesota would be further along with online poker legalization than it is. It may catch up soon. Read more ...


An online-gambling bill failed to make it out of committee in 2013, but a multi-billion dollar casino industry will have a say. Read more ...


Another state with a significant casino industry, but with no real movement toward online poker or gambling legalization. It will join the game sooner rather than later. Read more ...


Poker is considered gambling here, and online gambling was outlawed in the state in 2005. With no pending legislation, it may be awhile. Read more ...


Poker-playing multi-billionaire hedge-fund manager Warren Buffett lives here and he hates the thought of online gambling. Poker is sadly included in his categorization. Read more ...


Online poker is legal in Nevada, and several rooms are live for real-money play. Read more ...

New Hampshire

For such a small state, New Hampshire has more online poker players per capita than anyone else. Still, there’s no pending legislation. Read more ...

New Jersey

Online poker and gambling is legal in New Jersey. Online poker will be available in November 2013. Read more ...

New Mexico

New Mexico's 20 Indian casinos will have a say in the legislation of online poker here. Tribes have threatened to stop payments to the state if it legalizes online gambling. Read more ...

New York

Online Poker Us States

New York may very well be the fourth state to legalize online poker in 2014. It has the support of the governor, as well as many lawmakers. Read more ...

North Carolina

No real online poker push is coming from North Carolina. Check back once other states start to go live. Read more ...

North Dakota

This was once the first state to try to legalize online poker in 2005; the feds put an end to that. Online poker legalization is on the backburner. Read more ...


A state late to the casino game, online poker legalization has a real chance in 2015 or 2016, particularly if Pennsylvania beats Ohio to the market. Read more ...


This state allows tribes to operate online poker rooms, with one major caveat: They can only do business with people living in other countries. What a rub. Oklahomans will have online poker sooner rather than later. Read more ...


Once California begins to offer online poker, watch for Oregon’s Indian casinos to begin applying pressure to lawmakers. They have shown to be a savvy lobbying group. Read more ...


With one scrapped bill that would have legalized online poker and gambling, be sure another will come in 2014. Although facing resistance in committee, online poker should be here by 2016. Read more ...

Rhode Island

A prime candidate to partner with Delaware. Industry insiders say a contract is in the works. Read more ...

Online poker us sites

South Carolina

The online-poker industry faces major resistance here. Any talks of gambling expansion are immediately quashed. Read more ...

South Dakota

Online poker isn’t on the lips of any lawmakers here. But with a strong Indian casino industry, look for that to change in 2014. Read more ...


A strong religious base makes it difficult to move online poker legislation anywhere. Like, harder than shoving a mule through keyhole. Read more ...


Home of the congressman behind the Internet Poker Freedom Act of 2013, several bills that affect poker, online and otherwise, currently reside in committees. Texas looks like it wants to finally acknowledge the game. Read more ...


Online poker players in Utah at least have Nevada just over the border. Other than that, Utah is a desert for online poker players. Read more ...


The tiny state may be game to contract with Delaware, New Jersey, and/or Nevada and allow its residents access to online poker sites. Once more states allow online poker, watch for Vermont to follow. Read more ...


Online poker players must hope for political change statewide in order to eventually access online poker sites. It has a law on the books that outlaws Internet gambling. Read more ...

Washington, D.C.

Online poker was set to come to its citizens in 2013, but politics played its part and it was delayed. Online poker will definitely come to D.C. eventually. Read more ...


The only state that criminalizes the online poker player, a grassroots movement stemming from that law is growing. Plus, Indian casinos are now in favor of legalization. Read more ...

West Virginia

State officials are most likely looking to contract with other states, probably Delaware. It may happen as soon as 2014. Read more ...


The Indian casinos have yet to show their hand as to where they stand on online poker. There is no legislative chatter concerning online poker rooms. Read more ...


Lawmakers here are resistant to any form or gambling expansion, including online poker. If recent history is correct, online poker has a tough fight here. Read more ...

Recent Action

A user registered for wait list from PokerAtlas at The Lodge
A user registered for wait list from PokerAtlas at TCH Dallas
A user registered for wait list from PokerAtlas at 52 Social
A user registered for wait list from PokerAtlas at LKQ

Recent Reviews

Are we missing something?

With online poker officially legal in the United States on a Federal level thanks to the revision a 1961 Federal Law, it is now up to the States to decide whether they want to allow a State run poker site or not, and so far three states have; Delaware, Nevada, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. There has been opposition to Federal regulation and some parties even want to re-reverse the Federal Wire Act decision stated above.

State by State Stance
Alabama – Arizona – Alaska – Arkansas – California – Colorado – Connecticut – Delaware – Florida – Georgia – Hawaii – Idaho – Illinois – Indiana – Iowa – Kansas – Maine – Massachusetts – Michigan – Minnesota – Mississippi – Montana – Nebraska – Nevada – New Hampshire – New Jersey – New Mexico – North Carolina – North Dakota – Ohio – Oklahoma – Oregon – Pennsylvania – Rhode Island – South Carolina – South Dakota – Tennessee – Texas – Vermont – Virginia – West Virginia – Wisconsin – Wyoming

Most States are gun ho about setting up a State run poker site because it will generate a plethora of taxes which are currently going to poker sites whom are set up overseas in countries like Costa Rica, Antigua, and Panama. These poker sites are perfectly legal to play at, but the United States is trying to restrict these companies from taking American based players for pure greed and protectionist reasons. Aside from it being completely against our Foreign Trade the USA continues forward.

The Current Poker World: How it Works

There are so many laws in so many different countries it is literally impossible for any one person to keep track. In a nut shell let me break down how the United States works so that you can choose a poker site that properly fits your residence. Currently there are “State run poker sites” and “Non-American run poker sites”.

Online Poker Laws United States

State Run Poker Sites
This simply means the poker site has obtained a license from a gaming governing body in the United States to operate within their State. Not surprising that Nevada will be the epicenter for licensing. This is also referred to as ‘Intrastate’ poker sites. The problem with these Intrastate poker sites is that you can only play against players in your state. This means there are a limited amount of people that you can play against. Lets face it, unless you live in a highly populous State, the poker sites will be ghost towns. The larger states like California or New York will do just fine. Online poker needs a large player pool to survive; without a large player pool there simply are not enough tables to keep the games competitive with Global sites. Let’s talk about the states that have already legalized poker over the internet:

Online Poker Us States Games

Nevada – The first state in the USA to legalize intrastate poker over the internet and on April 30, 2013, Ultimate Poker made history by being the first regulated and legal online poker room. In September 2013, became the second regulated poker website in Nevada. South Point, powered by Real Gaming, was the third online poker site which went live in February of 2014.

Delaware – The second state in America to legalize intrastate online poker which starting operating live in November of 2013. In Delaware, licenses were issued to the three racinos; Delaware Park, Dover Downs and Harrington Raceway.

New Jersey – The third state in the United States to regulate and pass poker online. Their soft launched happened on November 21, 2013, with the public launch coming to fruition five days later. In the initial launch, New Jersey awarded seven different licenses over fifteen gambling sites; five being poker sites.

Global Poker Sites
These poker rooms accept the entire world but many have decided to block a few US states. At the moment there is only 1 online poker room called, which is based in Panama, that accepts all 50 US States. There are two other main brands, the Revolution Network and the Merge Network. Lastly there is Bovada. Despite having a global presence these poker sites still struggle to bring in enough poker players because the way the United States tries to decline online gambling deposits.

As I said before, the United States doesn’t want the money leaving the United States so in order to keep the money here they issued something called the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, (UIGEA) for short. This didn’t make it illegal for Americans to play online poker, it just put a massive restriction on banking for Global poker sites. The current success rate for a global poker site from signup to deposit is only 15% because of these credit card and banking problems.

The Dilemmas and Fallacies of the System

Ok, so now we understand there are two varieties of internet poker websites out there. Where do you even start? Well first off, if you live in a state where poker is not very popular, or your population is relatively low we recommend a Global Site such as the two below.

1. – I recommend this to most people because it’s pretty easy to deposit and withdraw here, they are safe and are the only guys out there that take all 50 States.

2. – This is owned by Bodog. They set up this poker site to accept only Americans so while it’s not a Global poker site per say, it’s the only strictly American poker site. They now block players from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, and Washington.

If you live in Washington, Maryland, Kentucky, New York, Utah, Louisiana or Missouri you will be pushed towards playing at Global rooms since these States are against all forms of online gambling; at least for now but that will likely change as it has already started to.

On the other hand, if you live in a well populated State we recommend you selecting a poker site that is State run. While I don’t really like recommending a State run poker site because I don’t believe they will have enough games going, it might be the only option if you are having problems depositing at the websites mentioned above. Let me give you an example of this fallacy by looking at other countries that have taken the same approach.

Exhibit A – France
With a population of 65 million, their largest poker site is called Winamax. They only accept those that live within the borders of France. Unlike the United States, all 22 regions of France can play at one poker site licensed by France. According to PokerScout which tracks poker site traffic, Winamax is the largest site in France and only has 1,500 people that log in and play poker. This may seem like a lot if you compare it to the couple hundred that you might find at a brick and mortar poker room but this number is very low.

Ok, so the largest site in France has 1,500 players at any given time but has a population of 65 million. The largest US State has a population of 38.3 million (California), half the size of France, and the largest poker site that accepts all of the USA only has site traffic of 1,600 players at the tables per day. The US population is 317 million so if all variables held equal, then California would only have approximately 1,600/10 or 160 players at any given time you logged in to the biggest poker site at the largest US state. The numbers just don’t make things feasible, and were not even taking into the fact that multiple sites will be competing for these players.

What Will Happen Down the Road

I’m strongly convinced that when State run poker sites fail, the Federal government will establish interstate poker rooms. While I strongly believe this to be true, it will not be until 8 more years at least. The government has already said it wants to leave it up to the States, but a strong gut feeling tells me that they will sever ties with certain strategic partners located overseas and we will see not just a Federally run poker site, but Federally run poker software. Currently, the plans are for poker sites to partner up with United Kingdom based poker sites.

Time will tell but for now your options are as mentioned in this article for playing poker in the US. This article will be updated periodically as laws in the US change.

Future of Sports Betting in the US

Myself included, never thought that sportsbooks would ever be available online on mass scale in the United States. After a recent interview with I. Nelson Rose who has been pretty much spot on throughout the years, his belief is we will see the same thing happen with sport betting as with poker. The laws are already in place to allow it, it’s only a matter of time he says. Sportsbooks have been under the same attack as poker sites with their .com domains being seized as was seen when Bookmaker closed to open and when Doylesroom closed to open a .ag site, only to eventually close down altogether. Will we see all forms of online betting in the United States, my gut says yes from all the research and arrows pointing.

State by State Laws

To see your state laws please navigate above. These gambling articles are updated periodically.

Author: Jay Shriver (Owner of